Tuesday, February 26, 2008

.:Gimme Gimme More..Gimme Gimme:.

I'm at work right now, just after lunch and I so had it with this job. I think that this is my one millionth post about how i hate my job. Why is it so hard for me to just find a job that my heart says 'yeah this is the job for me'. Not that I cant do any work or anything, I am a good worker, I can do alot and achieve anything. The problem that I am having right now is that the environment here sux and it sux big time.

Ntah lah I dont know when I will get a job that I really love. I have been sending CVs to alot of companies and have gotten several feedbacks. The one that got me thinking is the one that Amirrul is offering to me. A manager post for an event company. Which sounds good. I hope the pay is 3 thou because thats the pay I am asking. So i'll be going over for an interview later this week and I hope I'll nail the job. But I need to prepare myself this 'bigger pay means bigger responsibilities'.

Anyway, I also send in my CV to Vernon Kedit - The Manager. Hhahaha I know I berangan but it doesnt hurt to try aight? He replied back and I hope my ever so blow-you-out-of-your-mind CV will score some points. Pray for me aight...thank you

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

.:Of V for Valentine:.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day already. How time flies..and its gonna be my first full of love Valentine's Day. All this while I've been celebrating Valentine's Day with rasa yang amat terpaksa. I hope you know what I mean by that. This time around, its gonna be real nice. I already bought a card, Love Coupons, movie tickets and I'm planning to buy a chocolate cupcake. I know its not a romantic candle light dinner at some fancy place or the diamond encrusted bracelet kind of gifts, but I am what I am...plus thank god my significant other is not that demanding. "Anything by you is sweet and thoughtful already sayang, don't dwell about the fancy stuff. I am not that kind of person". I am so lucky to have her in my life....

To my bucuk, I would like to wish you Happy Valentine's Day - Thank you for loving me

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

.:Of Anal Clients and Mi Love:.

Hey there again, I am at my workstation right now...with the ipod full blast in my ears. I am in a state of dazed and the feeling of killing someone or something is growing strong within me right now. This is because I have an anal clients. I am handling several account of very fickle and somewhat retarded clients. I have this client that is suppose to be the Information Technology department of a top Uni in Malaysia but they are a PAIN. Every little thing they would call or should I say HARASS my life. For instance, the other day their website were down for about 3 minutes and they already bombarded and calling me through my cell, office phone and emails...can they can any more anal and clingy? They refuse to listen, they want things done their way but they want us to give them ideas. I cant understand them. If they want things go their way, why the fuck they requested my ideas in the first place? Double Fuck btol. Another one is a conglomerate company in Malaysia and they can Fucked up my day so good I almost felt like I just go through this 3 days non stop fuck fest. They kept changing their mind and keep having second thoughts on things. For instance just 2 days ago they agreed to the already changed image and copy on their website but late last night (at about 12am to be exact) one of the CEO's bitches emailed me wanting the already amended items to be change again for the 5th time....I was like what the fuck??. The shitty part is I dont understand at all what she requested for. I dont see anything wrong with the present one. God can my clients get any difficult than this??

The only consolation for me is that tomorrow onwards will be a long holiday and my brother in law will be back in town...I am so looking foward to what he bought for me. And I am also looking foward to play with my nephew. He is only a week old and I am inlove with him...and I am missing him when I'm at work...I am also going for a movie tonight with Cinta Agungku...I cant wait. I miss my Bucuk so much it hurts...